Los 50 mejores documentales de la historia, según Time Out
La revista Time Out New York ha elaborado una lista con los 50 mejores documentales de la historia. Está repleta de títulos muy interesantes, así que copio la lista completa, y en orden descendente, a favor del suspenso.
50. Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) – Michael Moore
49. The Last Waltz (1978) – Martin Scorsese
48. An Inconvenient Truth (2006) – Al Gore
47. When We Were Kings (1996) - Leon Gast
46. A Grin Without A Cat (1977) - Chris Marker
45. Profit Motive And The Whispering Wind (2007) - John Gianvito
44. F For Fake (1973) – Orson Welles
43. The Battle Of Chile (1975–79) – Patricio Guzmán
42. Monterey Pop (1968) - D.A Pennebaker
41. Man On Wire (2008) - James Marsh
40. The Fog Of War (2003) - Errol Morris
39. Point Of Order (1964) - Emile de Antonio
38. Burden Of Dreams (1982) - Les Blank
37. Koyaanisqatsi (1982) - Godfrey Reggio
36. Sherman’s March (1986) - Ross McElwee
35. The Up Series (1964–2005) - Michael Apted
34. The Sorrow And The Pity (1969) - Marcel Ophüls
33. Metallica: Some Kind Of Monster (2004) - Joe Berlinger y Bruce Sinofsky
32. Woodstock (1970) - Michael Wadleigh
31. Grey Gardens (1975) - Albert y David Maysles
30. Capturing The Friedmans (2003) - Andrew Jarecki
29. The Gleaners & I (2000) – Agnès Varda
28. Arrival Of A Train At La Ciotat (1896) – Hermanos Lumière
27. Bowling For Columbine (2002) – Michael Moore
26. In The Year Of The Pig (1968) - Emile de Antonio
25. Empire (1964) – Andy Warhol
24. High School (1968) - Frederick Wiseman
23. Our Hitler: A Film From Germany (1977) - Hans-Jürgen Syberberg
22. Hoop Dreams (1994) - Steve James
21. Gimme Shelter (1970) - Albert y David Maysles
20. Lake Of Fire (2006) – Tony Kaye
19. The Times Of Harvey Milk (1984) - Rob Epstein
18. Hearts Of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse (1991) - George Hickenlooper
17. Stop Making Sense (1984) - Jonathan Demme
16. Titicut Follies (1967) - Frederick Wiseman
15. Crumb (1994) - Terry Zwigoff
14. Hearts And Minds (1974) - Peter Davis
13. Triumph Of The Will (1935) - Leni Riefenstahl
12. Grizzly Man (2005) – Werner Herzog
11. Salesman (1968) - Albert y David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin
10. Man With A Movie Camera (1929) - Dziga Vertov
9. Roger & Me (1989) – Michael Moore
8. Nanook Of The North (1922) – Robert Flaherty
7. The War Game (1965) - Peter Watkins
6. Don’t Look Back (1967) - D.A. Pennebaker
5. Harlan County U.S.A. (1976) - Barbara Kopple
4. Night And Fog (1955) – Alain Resnais
3. The Thin Blue Line (1988) – Errol Morris
2. Sans Soleil (1983) - Chris Marker
1. Shoah (1985) - Claude Lanzmann
+ Aquí el artículo original, con una breve reseña por cada documental.